Answers to your common questions about Stormgate matchmaking rating (MMR), ranking points (RP), and the ladder.
The biggest Stormgate news update ever! An in-depth feature on the making of the Infernal Host at IGN – Closed Beta kicks off December 5– The Stormgate Kickstarter, also coming December 5 – A new Stormgate trailer at The Game Awards December 7 – Interview with Engineering Director Andrew Sabri on Digital Foundry Stormgate's first-ever live showmatches at DreamHack Atlanta
Why are we doing a Kickstarter campaign? We already have all the funding we need to release our game. This is more about being able to offer our players highly-requested "extras". Read on to learn more.
Closed Alpha testing for Stormgate is in full swing and just today we released a video update on how testing has been going. This is our biggest gameplay reveal yet and one you won't want to miss.
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