Hotfix Update 0.3.1

Stormgate brings you Hotfix 0.3.1! With the implementation of fully customizable hotkeys, we knew there would be some bugs that weren’t discovered until the feature truly got in the hands of players. Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to post bugs and feedback after the recent patch as you are the reason we are able to find and fix these bugs so quickly!

In order to implement this patch we will need to enter maintenance mode starting at 11am PT / 1900 UTC / 3am KST.


  • Allied and enemy morphing units will no longer be added to automated control groups when they morph.
  • Workers will no longer skip the “Build Structure” submenu if a specific structure’s hotkey is the same as the “Build Structure” hotkey.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Assign All” button would improperly set hotkeys when switching between “Grid” and “By Command” assignment styles.
  • Fixed an issue where units that morph would display a non-functional command card button for one morph state when in a selection of mixed morph states.


  • Fixed an issue where Shadowflyers would not apply an area armor debuff when they explode.
  • Exo turn period decreased.
  • Vulcan turn period decreased.


  • Reduced the volume and concurrency limit of the Slime and Ooze creep’s basic attacks.
  • Reduced the volume of the Flayed Dragon weapon impact.
  • Reduced the volume of the Flayed Dragon’s Fetid Breath ability.

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