Stormgate Early Access is free to play and available now! Stormgate is in active development and will be in Early Access for at least a year. For an early look at what we're building, you can download Stormgate today on Steam and play on Windows PC or through NVIDIA’s GeForce Now cloud gaming platform. You can play ranked 1v1 matches, 3-player Co-op Missions, and other areas of the game still early in development as the team continues to evolve the game.
在传统的 1v1 阶梯赛中展开竞争,或作为3人团队的一员进行竞赛。无论你的目标是在基础赛事中考验自己,还是获得参加世界级电子竞技锦标赛的资格,我们的目标都是让比赛变得更轻松、更有趣。
《Stormgate》由 Frost Giant 开发,Frost Giant 是一家完全独立的工作室,由行业资深人士 Tim Morten(《星际争霸 II:虚空之遗》的制作总监)和 Tim Campbell(《魔兽争霸 III》首席战役设计师)创立。他们还集结了50多名才华横溢的开发人员,他们都因对 RTS 游戏的热爱而聚集在一起。
《Stormgate》是由经验丰富的 RTS 游戏开发团队在 RTS 社群的支持下制作的。作为创始人加入团队,参与定期讨论,提供重要反馈,并在铸造 RTS 游戏的未来中发挥至关重要的作用。
Asmongold plays Stormgate, a New RTS made by StarCraft 2 devs
Asmongold on YouTube
The RTS genre isn’t broken. It just needs a tune-up.
"I've gotten up-close and personal with its second major faction: The Infernal Host. These are the bad boys of the upcoming RTS, and if you were a Zerg main in StarCraft, I think they'll make you feel right at home."
"...for fans of the RTS genre of video games, there may be a light at the end of the tunnel"
I believe that Stormgate is in the right hands to make the next great RTS.
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