Stormgate Early Access is free to play and available now! Stormgate is in active development and will be in Early Access for at least a year. For an early look at what we're building, you can download Stormgate today on Steam and play on Windows PC or through NVIDIA’s GeForce Now cloud gaming platform. You can play ranked 1v1 matches, 3-player Co-op Missions, and other areas of the game still early in development as the team continues to evolve the game.
在 3 人合作模式與另外兩名盟友組隊一起對抗 AI,或與朋友一起完成戰役任務。
加入先鋒隊 (Vanguard),率領人類最後的希望參與攸關生存之戰!這群堅韌不拔的軍人熬過煉獄之主的入侵,在那場幾乎導致人類滅絕的毀滅性災難中頑強生還,然後便開始利用未來科技重建自己的文明。
瞭解更多資訊煉獄之主 (Infernal Host) 是個好戰的邪惡外星入侵種族,擁抱他們的力量吧。他們透過風暴之門 (Stormgate) 穿梭時空,入侵大大小小的星球,開採資源,並耗盡星球的阿尼瑪斯 (Animus),藉此壯大自己的勢力。
瞭解更多資訊帶領一支由近乎不朽的天使戰士組成的宇宙艦隊,其科技先進程度幾乎與魔法無異。天界人 (Celestial) 崇敬阿尼瑪斯,他們相信解開造物主終極謎團的鑰匙就藏在阿尼瑪斯之中。
瞭解更多資訊《Stormgate》是一款由 Frost Giant 所開發的遊戲。Frost Giant 是由資深業界人士《星海爭霸 II:虛空之遺》產品經理 Tim Morten,以及《魔獸爭霸 III》首席戰役設計師 Tim Campbell 兩人完全獨立出資的工作室。他們旗下有五十多名才華洋溢的開發者,大家憑著一股對即時戰略遊戲的熱愛齊聚一堂。
Asmongold plays Stormgate, a New RTS made by StarCraft 2 devs
Asmongold on YouTube
The RTS genre isn’t broken. It just needs a tune-up.
"I've gotten up-close and personal with its second major faction: The Infernal Host. These are the bad boys of the upcoming RTS, and if you were a Zerg main in StarCraft, I think they'll make you feel right at home."
"...for fans of the RTS genre of video games, there may be a light at the end of the tunnel"
I believe that Stormgate is in the right hands to make the next great RTS.
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